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MVUB Anniversary Award February 2025

The winners of the MVUB anniversary award have been announced!
In February 2025, we honoured two more individuals with the MVUB Anniversary Award. This month, it was presented to Nicole Kabir and the team at Mensa Unitobler and to Dr Matthias Hirt. The MVUB would like to sincerely thank them for their outstanding commitment to the intermediate staff at the University of Bern.
Article in uniaktuell

30 of intermediate staff organisation - Politically committed to the intermediate staff
What motivates young researchers to work with us and what do they want to achieve?
Promotion Fund Calls

Promotion Fund
In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern (Mittelbauvereinigung), the Vice-Rectorate Research calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers twice a year. The fund aims to encourage networking activities of young researchers from doctoral study (PhD) level upwards. In an efficient und quick procedure, original and innovative ideas that strengthen independence and personal skills are financed with a max. of CHF 5,000.