Intermediate Staff Association

Commission Representatives

The University of Bern has several standing commissions according to the university regulations. Commissions ensure that university members can actively participate and co-determinate the development of the university. Standing commissions exist for areas of interest to the university as a whole.

In the standing commissions, all professional interest groups have to be represented. The MVUB has assigned seats to represent the intermediate staff. If you are interested in filling a vacancy, send an email to to get in touch with our office manager. The commission meetings are held in German. 

If you are interested in representing the MVUB but you are not so confident in your German (yet), have a look at the vacancies for actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau, whos meetings are held in English.

Overview of our representatives
 Name  Sektion 
Senate Dr. Marc Zibung VDD 
  Dr. Justyna Jaguścik VDD 
  vacant Dep. VDD 
Dr. Korollus Melek VAA 
  Laura Emunds VAA 
  Felix Kraft Dep. VAA 
Commission for the Promotion of Early Career Researchers Dr. Meret Lütolf  VDD 
  Dr. Michael Ackert (Dr. Korollus Melek from 01.04.25) VDD 
Monika Müller (Dr. Sarah Perez from 01.03.25) Dep. VDD
Dr. Gracia Brückmann VAA
  Dr. Alina Zumbrunn VAA 
  Dr. Danièle Gubler Dep. VAA 
Commission for Quality Assurance and Development PD Dr. David Buttelmann VDD
  Dr. Meret Lütolf Dep. VDD 
Dr. Alina Zumbrunn VAA 
  Dr. Gracia Brückmann Dep. VAA 
Gender Equality Commission Dr. Francesca Falk  VDD 
  PD Dr. Carmen Pfortmüller  VDD 
  Monika Müller (PD Dr. Sandra Lösch from 01.03.25) Dep. VDD 
Dr. Kira Ammann VAA
  Marion Troxler  VAA 
  Dr. Gracia Brückmann Dep. VAA 
Dr. Julia Hegy
Dep. VAA
Commission for Sustainable Development PD Dr. André Klostermann VDD 
  Dr. Sandra Grinschgl  Dep. VDD 
Dr. Christoph Bader VAA 
  Nora Komposch  Dep. VAA 
Finance and Planning Commission  Dr. Sandra Lösch VDD 
Dr. Korollus Melek VAA 
Research Commission PD Dr. David Buttelmann VDD 
  Dr. Erika Gobet VDD 
  Dr. Berna Özdemir Dep. VDD
Dr. Korollus Melek VAA 
  Dr. Charlotte Traeger VAA 
  Maximilian Nietschke Dep. VAA
Commission for International Relations PD Dr. Volker Enzmann  VDD 
  Dr. Justyna Jaguscik VDD 
Dr. med. Eva Hennel VAA 
  Dr. Travis Niles  VAA 
Digitalization Commission Dr. Peter Bieri-Evangelisti VDD
  PD Dr. André Klostermann Dep. VDD 
Dr. Patricia Zihlmann VAA 
  Mirko Winkel Dep. VAA 
Appeal Committee Raffaella Massara MVUB
Continuing Education Commission Dr. Michael Vock  VDD 
  vacant Dep. VDD 
Dr. Dilara Akhoundova VAA 
  Julia Hegy Dep. VAA 
Central Library Commission  Dr. Luzius Thöny VDD 
Dr. med. Patrick Jucker  VAA 
Mensa Operations Foundation Dr. des. Marcella Boglione MVUB
  vacant MVUB 
Mensa Commission  Dr. des. Marcella Boglione MVUB 
  Martin Bührer VAA 
  vacant MVUB 
Forum for University and Society  Dr. Bettina Stauffer
Olivia Biber MVUB 
Collegium Generale Dr. Jeannine Wintzer VDD 
Dr. Marlene Kammerer VAA 
Archive Commission PD Dr. Ulf Kessler VDD 
Laura Emunds  VAA 
Social Fund Commission of the SUB Lisa Asticher Regular
  vacant form 01.03.25 Substitute 
Committee 120% Care Grant Dr. Berna Oezdemir MVUB
Prix Lux Equality Award Committee  Dr. Berna Oezdemir MVUB  
"Excellence and Equal Opportunity" Working Group Dr. des. Marcella Boglione MVUB
PD Dr. Sandra Lösch MVUB
Dr. Irina Dudar VAA
"Hatespeech" Working Group Jasmin Aebi MVUB
vacant MVUB