Conflicts at work

MVUB Legal Advice

The MVUB members have access to an initial legal consultation concerning all questions related to their employment at the University of Bern, free of charge. 

Please note, this does not include consideration for future employment with external organizations.

Inquiries are handeled confidentially by our MVUB office manager, Sandra Zumbrunn.


For members we also offer a conflict advice. Please contact Sandra Zumbrunn for more information.

Silent counselling

Are you facing a challenging interview at the Ombuds Office at the University of Bern and would like someone from the MVUB to accompany you?

Contact Sandra Zumbrunn.

Please note: the Silent counselling excludes the MVUB from taking an active role in a conflict. This requires the agreement of all parties.

This offer is aimed at individual members of the MVUB.

Other Points of Contact

The ombudsperson of the University of Bern is the point of contact in case of conflicts between an employer and an employee. All parties should have access to an independent entity for conflict solving. Problems concerning the academic career in particular and conflicts within the departments can be addressed here. The ombudsperson works completely independent from the university bodies and is bound to secrecy.  

Website Ombuds Office

The HR Office is the main point of information for questions related to your employment. All counselling services are confidential. 

The counseling services of the Universities of Bern Counselling Centre are aimed at students and staff with teaching responsabilites at the University of Bern, the Bern University of applied Science, and the College of Education Bern (PH Bern). Administrative Staff of these institutions can profit from their services.

The ombudsperson of the University of Bern is the point of contact in case of conflicts between an employer and an employee. Problems concerning the academic career in particular and conflicts within the departments can be addressed here. The ombudsperson works completely independent from the university bodies and is bound to secrecy.  

In a case of hate speech, university members can get help directly from the Equal Opportunities Department.

The university does not tolerate sexual harassment at work or study places in any form. People in a position of responsability are obligated to do everything in their power to ensure that noone in their sphere of influence has to suffer from sexual harassment.

The Risk Management Office supports and councels the University Executive Board, faculties, institutes and administrative branches about work safety and health management, among other topics.